Recruitment Vs Headhunting

Recruitment Vs Headhunting

I was asked few times about the main difference between recruiters and headhunters. Therefore I decided to write a blog about the main differences. Both jobs has similar outcome yet operations is what differs. The more you think about it, the more you should...
Generation z

Generation z

Generation Z, also known as Gen Z, is typically defined as the demographic cohort born between the mid-to-late 1990s and the early-to-mid 2010s. The main element that characterizes this generation is their unprecedented level of exposure to and comfort with technology...
Cesta do neznámá v novém zaměstnání

Cesta do neznámá v novém zaměstnání

„Chtěl bych Vám představit nového kolegu…“ 🙂 Cesta do neznáma v pracovním prostředí může být vzrušující, ale také velmi děsivá. Neznáme lidi, neznáme procesy, neznáme kulturu, a možná ani sami sebe v této nové roli 🤷‍♂️ Zde jsou některé tipy, které vám pomohou...